Liturgical arts

Everywhere you see love, everywhere you breathe the fragrance of love. Our God is the God of love. His kingdom is the kingdom of love.

St. John of Kronstadt


Orthodox arts festival

Every two years, we support a festival which showcases art by members and friends of our parish.

With work ranging from byzantine icons to sacred hymns, paintings and the spoken word it is our opportunity to show our love for God and his boundless creativity.

Check back soon for details of this year’s arts festival, to be held on Friday 25th and Saturday 26th October! 

Tamara Penwell

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14).

I have been practising iconography for over thirty years. The aim in each icon is to testify to the Incarnation of God the Word and to the sanctity of the redeemed Creation.

In the Orthodox Church the icons bear witness to the reality of God’s presence with us in the mystery of faith. The icons are not just human pictures or visual aids to contemplation and prayer. They are the witnesses of the presence of the Kingdom of God to us, and so of our own presence to the Kingdom of God in the Church.


Karen Bates

Karen makes ceramic creations which feature the distinct and ancient Coptic style of Christian imagery. Her work was fired at a local potter supplier until the pandemic.

Emma Zembyla

Brought up in the Parish and former choir director, Emma is an accomplished musician and composer. Some of her work can be heard through the following links.

Songs Along The WayTo Unending Shores